now AVAILABLE in French and English
The sustainable Happiness Semester Journal 2nd Edition
sustainable happiness
“Dr. Catherine O’Brien’s concept of sustainable happiness is one of the top 5 ideas in environmental education that emerged during the past 25 years.”

The Sustainable Happiness Semester journal distills over 20 years of foundational work in education, sustainability, and well-being by co-author Dr. Catherine O’Brien into an accessible format that students and educators can use as a resource. The journal contains 100 questions designed to prompt reflection on topics related to sustainability, well-being, education, relationships, and happiness, among others.
Each question is paired with a summary of research related to the topic or a brief journal entry from a contributor whose background allows them to provide a unique and insightful response. The journal can be used without any prior familiarity with sustainable happiness.
In 2023 The Sustainable Happiness Semester Journal 2nd Ed. was translated into French through the support of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan).
Download the Shareable Pdf.
To learn more about the development, methodology, and the pilot studies with students at Dawson College, and the staff at Colleges Institutes Canada (CICan) download our shareable pdf.
Continued Education
Micro Courses
Our micro courses are bite-size introductions to 14 diverse topics. Each course is one hour per week over 4 weeks. Course topics include: Nature and Well-being, Teaching Sustainable Happiness, and Journal Facilitation. The micro courses are an excellent option for continuing your education on a busy schedule.
Continued Education
Sustainable Happiness Certificate
We have been offering Sustainable Happiness Certificate programs through Dawson College since 2015, with a diversity of participants from across Canada. With the launch of the Sustainable Happiness Institute in 2023, we have been able to offer certification through the institute and assemble cohorts of participants globally.
Learn more about how you can offer the SH programs at your organization
Continued Education
Facilitator Training
The Facilitator Training is a comprehensive 6-month long program that prepares you to become a Sustainable Happiness Facilitator and offer your own Sustainable Happiness Certificates!
Routledge Publishing
Education for Sustainable Happiness and Well-Being
“A magisterial overview and synthesis of leading ideas about education reform”
Prof. David Bell, Former Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies York University
“Sustainable Happiness is happiness that contributes to individual, community, or global well-being without exploiting other people, the environment, or future generations.”