Sustainable Happiness is happiness that contributes to individual, community, or global well-being without exploiting other people, the environment, or future generations.
— Dr. Catherine O'Brien

Catherine O'Brien on Developing Sustainable Happiness

I developed the concept of sustainable happiness with the aim of stimulating discussions regarding the relationship between happiness, well-being and sustainability. I’m convinced that there is tremendous potential for happiness studies to contribute to a more sustainable world.

The actions of individuals, communities and organizations have tremendous impact locally, nationally, and globally. We have the inspiring ability to leave a wake of sustainable happiness throughout our lives by being accountable for the choices we make and policies we support.

Creating the Sustainable Happiness Semester Journal

The Sustainable Happiness Semester journal distills over 20 years of foundational work in education, sustainability, and well-being by co-author Dr. Catherine O’Brien into an accessible format that students can use to better understand their relationships with themselves, others, and their environment.

We see this as a particularly timely resource given the anxiety and stress experienced by post-secondary students across Canada. Their well-being is increasingly agitated by a heightened concern for the climate crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has both brought attention to and further exacerbated the pre-existing challenges to student and educator mental health.

In 2023 through the support of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) we released the French translation of the Sustainable Happiness Semester Journal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sustainable Happiness VS Sustaining Happiness

Sustainable happiness does not mean being happy all the time. Rather, recognizing how happiness and well-being are interconnected with other people and the natural environment.

Is Sustainable Happiness a Privilege?

Not every income can support eco-friendly options. However sustainability is only one piece of sustainable happiness and sustainable choices don’t always mean a higher price or an affluence of time. Communities, companies, schools and lifestyles that support sustainable happiness do so by recognizing the important role our relationships, food, health and environment have on our well-being.

Still have questions? Let us know

The connection between sustainability and happiness is best illustrated by the concept of ‘sustainable happiness,’ ..
When perceived this way, it is no longer possible to imagine a future where the pursuit of happiness is not somehow connected to sustainability.
— Happiness Research Institute Sustainable Happiness Report P.16